Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This time of year is always a little stressful and overwhelming for me.  The school year is winding down for both my high school and college classes, and I'm always behind on housework.  Plus, my dog is always a little more rambunctious (he tears more stuff up) because he has spring fever.  This year is a little more stressful with the upcoming move.  However, this is also the time of year when asparagus begins growing in my yard.  It's bittersweet because I won't have this luxury next year, but I've been looking forward to this for awhile.  I refuse to buy asparagus in the store because I know I will be enjoying this every night for 3 weeks or so.  After that I still eat it, but I've had my fill and enjoy it less.  To everyone with gardens, I hope your asparagus is thriving and you're eating your fill. 

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